Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos From Good Practice to Habit: Lessons Learned from a 30-Day Refactoring Challenge Every senior developer I have spoken to recommends refactoring as a technique for improving and growing as a developer.Victoria Kovaleva, Marta Vila25 April, 2023
Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Effective Conflict Resolution with Radical Candor and NVC: A Software Engineer’s Experience how do we handle these conflicts in a way that promotes growth and progress for the team?Marta Vila24 March, 2023
Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Surviving and Thriving: A First-Year Software Engineer’s Retrospective Are you ready to hear about my wild ride as a software engineer? I mean, who would have thought that an international educator and translator…Marta Vila8 February, 2023
Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos Upgrade Framework to Net 4.8 What could possibly go wrong? It started a Monday, later known as "Disaster Monday", in a way that seemed quiet at Voxel. In the sprint we had a Tech User…Javi Sanchez16 November, 2022
Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 6 minutos Increase the speed of your application with Redis Make your systems use more cacheMiguel Ruiz, Samuel Alvarez28 September, 2022
Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 5 minutos How do I adapt to a new team? I have been working in the world of software development for more than 15 years, this has allowed me to share experiences in several teams…Ramón Balaguer12 April, 2022
Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 5 minutos Voxel Talent Accelerator: learn about the experience of 3 participants A little less than three years ago, at Voxel we decided that we wanted to change the way we hired. Faced with the difficulty of…Redacción14 March, 2022
Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos The value of observability Observability and monitoringCarolina Zhou22 February, 2022
Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Refactor in our daily life? Of course! 10 min refactorJavi Sanchez7 February, 2022
Voxel Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos Best Practices using Slack! 7 tips for using SlackMeri Herrera24 January, 2022